Audio Guide

We have created an Audio Guide to the Mausoleum to help you enjoy your visit. The Guide will explain the background history of the site, and walk you around the building, including inside the Crypt. (see below for key details)


...or download the guide for your next visit

(MP3 audio download 6Mb)

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Key for the Mausoleum Crypt

To fully appreciate the Monteath Mausoleum you will want to see inside the Crypt where two huge angels guard the sarcophagus, and pale sunlight filters down through the stars in the roof.

A key for the massive oak doors is available from The Ancrum Pantry, Ancrum, TD8 6XH seven days a week. Hours vary, so call them on 01835 830259 or on Facebook Ancrum is just off the A68 about three miles south of the mausoleum. Keys are also available from Lothian Estates Office, Bonjedward, TD8 6UF during normal office hours. There is a £5 fee plus a returnable deposit of £5. This income helps us to maintain the building.